If You Asked

Hear you talk so loud and clear

Can't help feeling something's near

Though you've not said much

You said it all

Been four weeks it starts to show

Last in line for you I know

Though you've not said much

You said it all

But I'd stay for you

I'd go right through

I'd be here close

When you need it most

I'd be around

If you felt down

I'd bring you flowers

Sit and talk for hours

Finish up and dry my face

I'm shining like a new penny

I'll never light your eyes up like they should

But I'd stay for you

I'd help you through

Though your not mine

Already knew

I'd cheer you up

If you felt down

I'd make you smile

I'd be around

I'd stay for you

I'd go right through

I'd be here close

When you need it most

I'd be your type

Whatever you like

I'd bring you flowers

Sit and talk for hours

I'd cheer you up

If you felt down

I'd make you smile

When you came around