A Man Called Horse

Arrogant and clean

I rode across the ocean

And took the steam train

through the mist and wasted land

Taken by surprise

I watched the silent motion

The strength to hunt and kill

was taken from my hand

Lifted by the braves

I'm waiting for my vision

I used to be a rider,

now I've become a horse

To be a man again

is my one and only mission

Standing straight and tall

I will have no more remorse

High above the ground

hangs the pale and bleeding horseman

And no-one in the circle

wants to know what's on his mind

Thinking about the golden face

of young and laughing Lucifer

He stares up to the Sun

and leaves the pain behind

See my vision of light

Feel my returning pain

Trust me, you know I am right

Because people are always the same

You will choose me to lead you to final war

You will put the gun in my hand

I will force you to come back

and ask for more

As I slowly rape your land