The Funeral Pyre

I find it hard to carry on

On this road, in a naked world

Ashes whirl around the trees

that still stand

Endless pain hurts my soul

But no cry can be heard

Just some whispers escape my teeth

As I curse this land

I am a man who has nothing

Without your love I can't go on

When I laid down your frozen hand

I let go life

Now the dream is almost over

Sands of Time are running lower

Through broken glass

Lord of the trees is the one

who can make them fall

I carry the wood to the hills

to prepare her fire

Suffering under this burden I have to crawl

Building her funeral pyre to be lifted higher

I once had a dream

Of these fluctuating spiral skies

Where the smoke was fixed with red rain

that is still running down my sombre face

I'll have to be strong

To wake up from this red nightmare

But my head is filled with dull pain

That feels real to me in so many ways

Now the flames are reaching higher

And my love has passed through fire

Through teeth and claw