Lyrics Lords of Acid

Lords of Acid

Who Do You Think You Are?

Take a walk

I don't want no lip or your badass trip

No use to pick a fight, you know I'm always right

I don't want no lies and no alibies

Shut your face you're too small, don't owe you anything at all

Don't like your filthy talk or the bounce in your walk

I couldn't care less, boy you think that you're the best

In our bed at night, can't even do things right

Oh you're just no good, don't do what a real man should

Baby who do you think you are

Driving around in your big fat car

With your macho look and your stupid talk

Get outta here, go take a walk

You behave like a beast to say the least

You're so full of yourself, you don't think of no one else

No I won't behave like your little slave

Baby think again, huh, you are not a man

You always stink of booze and give me the blues

You're a lousy lay, you prove it every day

Come on and get your shit cus I'm sick of it

You with your stupid head, why don't you drop dead

Baby who do you think you are

Driving around in your big fat car

With your macho look and your stupid talk

Get outta here, piss off and take a walk