Lyrics Los Campesinos!

Los Campesinos!

A Litany/Heart Swells

A stack of words in my throat, a trail of slime

Forehead on my fruit machine, three bells will not chime

For lovers who line the beach whom moon entertains

There's always waxing while our crescent wanes

I'm shouting out a litany an echo calls back

Outside a chicken shop, a ceiling of stars

A nostril of Diet Coke, I'm back in your arms

I'm shouting out a litany an echo calls back

Now I feel the misery in your breast and mine

is one and the same and I feel close to fine

I'm shouting out a litany an echo calls back

I'm shouting out a litany an echo calls back

Your hand is on the pen but you can't sign the pact

I'm shouting out a litany an echo calls back

Heart swells

Heart swells

I'm shouting out a litany an echo calls back

I'm shouting out a litany an echo calls back

Your hand is on the pen but you can't sign the pact

I'm shouting out a litany an echo calls back

I'm shouting out a litany an echo calls back

I'm shouting out a litany an echo calls back

Your hand is on the pen but you can't sign the pact

I'm shouting out a litany an echo calls back