Lyrics Los Campesinos!

Los Campesinos!


Breathe... easy

Your hands will remain empty

When you have stopped clutching at straws

Clean two bad memories

Forget all the insufferable bores

No one matters

(No one matters)

No one cares

He whispered, "Oh my God,

This really is a joy to behold"

For he said it's a joy to be held

So I held him too close

It was a grave mistake...

He never came back again

I'm not saying there's good in none of this

Miserabilia to show the kids

I'm not saying that you're responsible

Miserabilia for one, for all

I've spend too much time on my knees

Next to urinals in garish Mexican restaurants

Sobbing into my warm, pale palms

For a better understanding of her dietary requirements

Cried on ocean floors all walking into clubs

Not '06, not '08, two thousand, 2010!

2004, (?), oh my God, oh my God!

We got nostalgic,

Ended up filling shoeboxes with vomit

Collected scabs in lockets,

Hung them round our necks like nooses

None of it mattered

(None of it matters)

Nobody cared

I'm not saying there's good in none of this

Miserabilia to show the kids

I'm not saying that you're responsible

Miserabilia for one, for all

I have broken down

Into the naked breasts of a newly ex

And no dignity, I can only guess

That she thinks about it

When she touches herself

Shout at the world because the world doesn't love you!

Lower yourself because you know that you'll have to!