Lyrics Los Campesinos!

Los Campesinos!

You'll Need Those Fingers for Crossing

I can taste the blood on your lips and on your tongue

I can see your teeth turned pink, your gums fade to white

The less and less I eat

The more you see my teeth

The closer they move together

Fill the gaps, curse the weather

Rip the flesh from your bones

Wipe me down, drive me home

Dump me side of the road if I'm too annoying

Wear your best suit, all these people are watching

Oh baby, you'll need all those fingers for crossing

I'm sucking your last words from the back of your throat

So perfect, so bitter, we laugh then we choke

Wear your best suit, all these people are watching

Oh baby, you'll need all those fingers for crossing

I'm sucking your last words from the back of your throat

So perfect, so bitter, we laugh then we choke

You worry a million rain drops will die

With their last memory of you and I

In a soft-porn version of the end of the world

I quake at the knees as my intentions unfurl

You wrote a letter to god, just in case, you said

I'm nothing if I'm not a pragmatist

You needn't worry about us

We can look after ourselves

We have learnt not to rely on you or anyone else

Wear your best suit, all these people are watching

Oh baby, you'll need all those fingers for crossing

I'm sucking your last words from the back of your throat

So perfect, so bitter, we laugh then we choke

Wear your best suit, all these people are watching

Oh baby, you'll need all those fingers for crossing

I'm sucking your last words from the back of your throat

So perfect, so bitter, we laugh then we choke