Silent And Completely Overcome

I do not remember a depression such as this

How many clocks has it been since we have last spoken?

Forgive me as I pass my soul from one dark evening unto the next

How is it that I cannot find a guide, or a light?

I am already broken

If I never wake up

I only pray that my silence will be put to rest

Silent overcome and empty

Bled out numb and cold

Clenched fists red and filthy

With nothing left to hold

Let those stars fall that shine

Let those stars fall and this moment pass away

Like 100 tears on your coldest, saddest day

With bleeding wrists and dying eyes

We should be grateful for pain

For it means we have at least one feeling left

But such things happen

Such things happen

Silent... overcome

Bled out... numb

Silent... overcome

Bled out... numb