I've Still Got A Soul Left To Lose

I've got a bullet and a bottle underneath my

Floor boards, a bible in the attic that I don't

Read anymore and I think it's time I let you

Know that all the love in life fades away but

Some days I feel okay and I think it's time I

Let you know that. I start the day as my hands

Shake. Pray to God for better days but I know

My soul is sinking like a stone. You can't

Pretend that we're okay when you have nothing

Left to say but these growing pains are tearing

At my bones. Oh, I've got nothing left to give

And I can't promise you rose kid but you can

Have every piece left of me. She said said to

Herself as she walked away "I'll never fall in

Love again" How perfectly fitting for you. As

I'm sitting at home and I'm drinking alone and

The whiskey it starts to sink in and you, you

Start to sink in. Oh, I've got nothing left to

Give and I can't promise you rose kid but you

Can have every piece left of me.