Deadly Player

I’ve been to the edge of life

I’ve been through it all

All the people in my way

I loved to see them crawl

Pleading for mercy

I laughed and turned away

Begging me on their knees, to play

I’m the Deadly Player

My middle name is “Deadly”

And I’m looking for a dare

I’m hunting prey, most every day

A lion in his lair

I give no mercy

I’m tolerant to none

This game it’s like a disease

You feel me coming

And I’m coming hard

It gets right in you

It’ll have you spinning round and round

Now there’s no turning back for me

No reason for regrets

Ooh, it’s coming, coming down

Here it comes

You feel me coming

And I’m coming hard

I get right in you

Have you spinning round and round

Can’t stop, I’m coming

Look out

I’m the Deadly Player

I’m the Deadly Player

Fighting to the edge of life

I must have seen it all

Deadly, dark and dangerous

Your back’s against the wall

Giving no mercy

And taking the dare

Senses overwhelming

The hunter’s set his snare

Push it to the limit

See how far you get

Push a little further

That’s somethng you’ll regret

Take a chance and try your luck

To see another day

Don’t give a damn, don’t give a fuck

For anything you say