Lyrics Loudon Wainwright III

Loudon Wainwright III

A Handful of Dust

You got a car, a wife, a gal downtown

You got a place to lay your body down

You got money in your pocket, you can eat a round of crust

But a man is just a handful of dust

You take the best of everything I've got

Then take it all, still want I don't know what

But you're a star about to tumble, a balloon about to bust

But a man is just a handful of dust

Lovin' livin' ain't enough

Devil-driven graveyard stuff

High is flyin', play the clown

Ain't no flyin' six feet down

Ain't no place worth goin' ain't already been

No sin worth sinnin' ain't already sinned

You get thunder in your lovin' and lightnin' in your lust

But a man is just a handful of dust