Lyrics Loudon Wainwright III

Loudon Wainwright III


Gonna have an anniversary

Gonna be a bicentennial

Hey, America´s having a birthday

Be two-hundred years old

Isn´t that wonderful?

You know it certainly is

Goodness, what a wonderful country

Wow, what a nifty history

Gee, it´s a powerful nation

Been two-hundred years old

Isn´t that wonderful?

You know it certainly is

I relived my country´s history

In a class called social studies

I learned to pledge allegiance

To sing my national anthem

"My country, Tis of Thee"

You know we have our heroes

I mean Washington and Lincoln

Including Audie Murphy

Including old Jack Ruby

Wasn´t Jack wonderful?

Oh, you know he certainly was

Let´s hear it for Ohio

And the rippling red-wood forests

The Sawmill River Parkway

Oklahoma´s strange panhandle

Aren´t they all wonderful?

Gonna have an anniversary

Gonna be a bicentennial

Hey, America´s having a birthday

Be two-hundred years old

Isn´t that wonderful?

You know it certainly is