Lyrics Loudon Wainwright III

Loudon Wainwright III

Cash for Clunkers

Cash for clunkers heal that economy

Buy an Envoy, Yukon, or Sierra

Cash for clunkers bail out GMC

Cash for clunkers put the pedal to the metal

Get cash for clunkers 'cause time is running out

Smell that new car smell and suddenly it's springtime

Cash for clunkers hope is what it's all about

Your old short's is just a heap a rattletrap that's certain

God knows what's beneath the seats never mind the hood

And your local dealership these days those boys are hurtin'

So unload that ancient mode of transport do a world of good

"Cash for clunkers" who came up with that one?

"Cash for clunkers" kinda has a catchy ring

Was it Geitner or Bernanke maybe Larry Summers?

"Cash for clunkers" 3 words I love to sing!

Cash for clunkers you can shout it from the rooftops

Cash for clunkers you can sing it night and day

Buy my song my friend and put it on your iPod

Cash for clunkers you can save the USA

My rusting Volvo died it's parked and sinking in my back yard

Just an ugly installation sore to each and every eye

We'll pump up the 4 flat tires on that Swedish puppy

We'll tow it to Toyota buy a Prius by and by

Cash for clunkers more than just a gimmick

Cash for clunkers now we got a plan

It's hard to wrap your head around that health care coverage thing

But cash for clunkers you can kinda understand!

Cash for clunkers get rid of that jalopy

Cash for clunkers junk that piece of junk

Stash your contraband and your wife's dead body

Cash for clunkers load and lock 'em in the trunk