Lyrics Loudon Wainwright III

Loudon Wainwright III

Fame and Wealth

"Fame and wealth that's what I'm after

Bucks and praise that's what I crave

How I get 'em hardly matters

For these things I'll be your slave

I'll kiss you arse, I'll kiss your keister

Kiss your kisser, Kiss you hand

I'll come across, I'll put out plenty

I gotta make it, understand?

My mind, my heart, my soul you got 'em

this ain't no joke, no it's for real

draw up your papers and I'll sign 'em

In my own blood, let's make a deal

You can have my wife and children

I'll hand over mom and sis

take my old car, guitar, and banjo

take 'em all, but I insist on...

Fame and wealth that's what I'm after

Bucks and praise that's what I crave

How I get 'em hardly matters

For these things I'll be your slave."