Lyrics Loudon Wainwright III

Loudon Wainwright III

Four Mirrors

I've slumped in your chair

Tossed and turned in your bed

Lurked in your lair

I have lived in your head

Where others were closer

No one is nearer

As I glimpse you in me

In the hallway mirror

I've grabbed from the plate

And I've stabbed with a knife

On day one, my first date

I slept with your wife

My common-law stepmom

I desire and fear her

I compare you to me

In the full-length mirror

Sharing hair, forehead lines

Scowling, worrying, thinking

With a penchant for white wines

A disposal toward drinking

You had 'em, I got 'em

I move my face nearer

Broken blood vessels

In the bathroom mirror

And your doormen all know me

It's not so bizarre

So it shouldn't throw me

To go move your car

But the ghost of your father

He couldn't be clearer

He's there where he haunted you

The rearview mirror