Lyrics Loudon Wainwright III

Loudon Wainwright III

Halloween 2009

Tell me who you gonna be on Halloween?

A witch or a pirate? A gypsy or a clown?

How's about a zombie fresh out of the ground?

For Halloween last year I was a king

Had a sceptre a crown ermine robe ruby ring

Then in December everything tanked

My entire portfolio and all that I'd banked on

Lost the mansion the yacht the wife and the wealth

It all went up in smoke including my health

Insurance? Forget it lost that with the job

What I need is a gun now and a bank I can rob

I was a king but my kingdom's destroyed

I'll be dillinger this year or pretty boy Floyd

10/31 Time to make the big scene

Who you gonna be on Halloween?

The mummy? The werewolf? How's about Shreck?

Frankenstein's creature with a bolt in your neck?

Maybe this year I can be a bum,

Buddy spare me a dime, a crust or a crumb

Some smart lucky fat cats got out of the jam

Bernie's in prison but Greenspan's on the lamb

My favorite get up when I was a teen

Was to dress down like a hobo on Halloween

I'd black out a few teeth charcoal in a beard

And pretend to have nothing

Be forgotten and feared

You know a bum is someone that's not so bad to be

In a sense somewhat honest and to some extent free

Carve out a pumpkin make a big scene

Who you gonna be on Halloween?

Vampires are sexy this year they're in

But bein' the friendly ghost ain't no sin

Now it's trick or treatin' time just as sure as your born

The kids are gonna want a lot of candy corn

Boys down on Wall St. will be up to their tricks

'Cause there's always a way to put in the fix

Black cats, cobwebs, bats, Halloween

Just about time to make the scary scene

But the scariest monster won't be at your door

He's on CNBC where there's real blood and gore

You better turn off your TV hide under your bed

It's mad money's Jim Cramer and he's back from the dead