Lyrics Loudon Wainwright III

Loudon Wainwright III

Jesse Don't Like It

If Jesse don't like it then it's prob'ly not art

Jesse knows what's good Ol' Jesse is smart

And if you don't like that don't feel sad

'Cause the art that you like is probably bad

Grandma Moses, she's OK

Never exposes anything; everything's far away

And that statue of David's all right with Jesse

'Cause Michelangelo gave him such a tiny pee-pee

If Jesse don't like it, it don't stay;

get it out of the museum, get it out of there today

Jesse's fav'rite painting is the one of the clown

with the daisy in his hand and a tear rollin' down

In the kindergarten years ago, Jesse got rude

He took a red Crayola and he drew a nude

And the teacher took a ruler to Jesse's behind

She beat his butt but she ruin'd his mind

Jesse prob'ly didn't like Picasso

But neither did that dictator Franco

And I know about art but I've got to take a hike

If I like somethin' that Jesse don't like

If Jesse don't like it ...

If Jesse thinks it's dirty it don't get any funds

They use that taxpayer's money on tobacco and guns

Your freedom of expression is bein' denied;

But if you're not sure what you like then just let

Jesse decide

Don't photograph a penis; don't paint a breast

Don't write about the truth because it might offend


And don't tell it like it is, and don't show where it's


'Cause Jesse don't like it and that is that.

If Jesse don't like it ...