Lyrics Loudon Wainwright III

Loudon Wainwright III

Not John

The limousine was waiting

Outside the studio

In stepped poor john Lennon

And his wife Yoko

Ono - Not John

On up 44th Street

Left at 8th avenue

Up to the Dakota

A man waits there for you

Oh no - Yes John

The man's name is Chap-man

Comes from Honolulu

He really loved your music John

Got a Japanese wife to

Oh no - poor Sean

Five bullets in your body

That's what the experts say

They say you signed an autograph

For him on that very day

Oh no - not John

There was a vigil at the Roosevelt

At the Dakota too

Silence in Central Park

They had a riot in Liverpool

Now Chapman is in the jailhouse

What's he doing there?

He went and he shot John Lennon

All you heroes best be aware

Oh no - not John

The limousine was waiting

Outside the studio

In stepped poor john Lennon

And his wife Yoko

Ono - not John