Lyrics Loudon Wainwright III

Loudon Wainwright III

People in Love

I see people in love and I don't know why

They can't seem to fight it and they don't even try

Guess it's because it makes the world go around

Yeah we're spinning through space on shaky ground

I see people in love and I'm glad I'm not

It's just a disease and thank God I ain't got it

I see 'em holding hands, makes me wince

Yeah, she's just trying to turn that frog into a prince

Oh, movie stars smooching in an old movie

A kid turns away, says it's 'yucky'

That kid knows something that the grown-ups don't

When the kid grows up, after that the kid won't

People in love, I wanna laugh

Check out the statistics, take a look at the graph

On the park bench sits mister and miss

He's trying to make her his princess with his wake-up kiss

People in love, People in love, People in love

You'd think that you could make a person be what you want

But the chances aren't slim, the chances are gone

People ain't people, Streisand sang it

But the chances aren't slim the chances are fat

Hey, People in love I wanna yell

Right now your in Heaven, but you'll end up in Hell

You think that your safe and that you're home free

And that love lasts forever, that's the big fantasy

I see people in love and I feel sorry for them

There's petals on the rose, there's a thorn on the stem

Like famine and earthquake, love's part of the plan

Mother Nature's inhumanity towards man

People in love, People in love, People in love

So you pick up a check and you prepare a meal

Suddenly you're thinking that you're somebody's ideal

You know that you're different, but you know you can change

You wanna be normal, but people are strange

Hey, People in love and it makes me sick

I wanna run up and tell 'em it's a trap and a trick

I been through it and I know what they're gonna go through

Not so long ago, I went through it with you

People in love, People in love, People in love