Lyrics Loudon Wainwright III

Loudon Wainwright III


I want my revenge and I'll get it too

There'll be justice for me and satisfaction from you

Yeah, there's an ambulance out there, paramedics inside

They know where you live, so are you ready to ride?

This city has many emergency rooms

When I get my revenge you're gonna be in one soon

I haven't forgotten what you did to me

No, you're not off the hook, you won't get off scot free

You better crawl under your cover, sucker, and pray for daylight

When you hear that siren scream out in the night

No, it's not a fire and it's not a cop

I spoke to the driver and he knows where to stop

Insensitive care in a ward that's the worst

An incompetent doctor and a dangerous nurse

Tubes up your nose, an IV in your wrist

In pain and in traction on the critical list

Oh, you say you don't have insurance, well they're gonna take your last buck

Maybe you'll die of a stroke of good luck

You made a mistake when messed with

You see, I got connections with the powers that be

Thomas Noguchi is gonna come on real strong

When they do that that autopsy on you and find out that nothing was wrong

Oh, but I'll be sorry, I'll be sorry you're dead

I would have preferred that you live on and suffer instead