Lyrics Loudon Wainwright III

Loudon Wainwright III


Lord every year we gather here

To eat around this table

Give us the strength to stomach as much

As fast as we are able

Bless this food to our use

 communication's useless

Don't let me drink too much wine

Lord you know how I get ruthless

Let us somehow get through this meal

Without that bad old feeling

With history and memory

And home cooking we're dealing

Remind us that we are all grown up

Adults, no longer children

Now it's our kids that spill the milk

And our turn to want to kill them

I look around and recognize

A sister and a brother

We rarely see our parents now

We hardly see each other

On this auspicious occasion

This special family dinner

If I argue with a loved one, Lord

Please make me... the winner

All this food looks and smells so good

But I can hardly taste it

The sense of something has been lost

There's no way to replace it

After the meal, switch on the game

There's just a few more seconds

But I'm so tired, I need a nap

The guest bedroom bed beckons

I fall asleep, I have a dream

In it is the family

Nothing bad has happened yet

And everyone is happy

Mother and Father, both still young

And naturally they love us

We're all lying on a lawn at night

Watching the stars above us

Lord every year we gather here

To eat around this table

Give us the strength to stomach as much

As fast as we are able