Lyrics Loudon Wainwright III

Loudon Wainwright III


Downtown is where it's at, I don't doubt that

But today I can do without I'm getting sick of the


I'm tired of dodging the bums

And all the freaks are freaking me out


Today we ruin the roach.

Today we conquer the crab.

Today we bring the bedbug down

Watch me baby, hail a taxi cab

You and me are going uptown

Well, lets go fly a kite in Central Park

Go & see a Shakespeare play

Have a lot of fun at the planetarium

And museum all the blues away

Well, Rockefeller Center and the UN too

Baby don't make me wait

I want to elevate up & down with you

In the building of the Empire State

Well, we'll eat dinner at your favorite Schrafft's

Somebody gonna shine my shoes

Then we'l pop into Playland for pinball laughs

And read the Allied Chemical News

Le's go to Radio City Music Hall

To catch the Rockettes of renown

Then we get to The Garden for some basketball

Or a fight for the heavyweight crown

That's right, a change of pace is good for a change

It's a wonder all the goodness it gives

Life is oh so sweet above Fourteenth Street

Let's go see how the other half lives
