Lyrics Loudon Wainwright III

Loudon Wainwright III

Whatever Happened to Us

Well whatever happened to you, whatever happened to us

We missed the proverbial boat, the plane and the train

and the bus

Hey push led to shove, we fell out of love, we tore each

other apart

Love is grand but I can't understand why you broke my

proverbial heart

Well we used to be in love but now we are in hate

You used to say I came too early but it was you who came

too late

Yeah boy meets girl, they give it a whirl, very next

thing you know

He thinks she's nuts and she hates his guts and the bad

blood starts to flow

Well it sounds like sour grapes and that's just what it


I'm gonna get me a subscr i ption to Argosy and you can

get you a subscr i ption to Ms.

And it's a whole lot of crap about a tender trap, what it

is is a suicide snare

And all I wanna do is to forget you and our lousy love
