Lyrics Loudon Wainwright III

Loudon Wainwright III

Winter Song

One day this weary winter will be gone,

Don't be fooled it won't be gone for good.

It will be back to freeze next year's moustache

Blowin' snow as every winter should.

Right now we all look forward to the spring.

Season of the short sleeve and soft ground

We all recall how she was last year

Each and every groundhog hung around

If spring is made then summer is a whore

Mosquito's bite,diving boards they throb

She's hot she's heavy hairy men made sweat

Gobble yellow corn upon the cob

The corn it turns to candy in the fall

The bamboo rake is brought from the garage

School buses dot the land

Each and every bird's nest looses camouflage

One day this weary winter will be gone,

Don't be fooled it won't be gone for good.

It will be back to freeze next year's moustache

Blowin' snow as every winter should.