Lyrics Loudon Wainwright III

Loudon Wainwright III


A bunch of nerdy brainy guys a long way back

Invented a crazy little thing they called the Univac

For years now, they've been upgrading that thing

It can walk & talk & count & think & it can even sing

It can help you at school, church, business, and work

Makes you feel like a genius even though you're just a jerk

You get a computer, you sit it in your lap

It does a little bit of this it does a whole lotta that

It can boot you up, it can load you down

With that little bitty mouse you're gonna rule this town

But you're headed for trouble I do believe

It's coming your way on New Year's Eve now

Whoa what do you know

A few more measly more months to go

Hey what do you say, now here it comes now... Y2K

No it ain't a virus it's just a little glitch

It wan't done by some crazy hackin son of a bitch

And Sadaam didn't do it, can't blame him

No it's a geek with the glasses and the stupid silly grin

Billionaire Bill that's the one you can hate

If you want to blame someone blame Bill Gates

Bill said we'd make money, Bill said we'd have fun

But remember Hal the computer in 2001

We're in a time machine going back my friend

Doin 1900 all over again, well

We've been trucking down the information superhighway

But we'll be on a dirt road come Y2K

Call me old fashioned call me a fool

And yo can call me a Luddite & you can call me uncool

But we used to imagine, question, and dream

And now all of our answers come up on some screen

We're headed for trouble I do believe

It's coming your way on New Year's Eve Y 2 K

Breakdown... You better get ready, be very afraid

Because your money's no good & you'll never get paid

And the car won't start and the phone won't work

And the juice won't squeeze and the coffee won't perk

No more decaf latte baby...

You'll be doing the monkey, but there'll be a new twist

You'll still be alive but you will not exist

The stock market will crash, the air traffic will stop

You won't find a doctor, forget about a cop

There'll be a lot of lawyers with plenty to do

It's apocalypse now at a theatre near you

We're headed for trouble I do believe

It's coming your way on New Year's Eve

Meanwhile... Way over there in the old ancient Middle East

Them doomsday boys is having a feast

The end is at hand & they're down on their knees

They've been checking out all the bad-ass prophesies

This Y2K it's the latest craze

It's lock & load for the final days

Well I saw you on the plane playing solitaire

On that little laptop, iwth nary a care

Life's easy now, but it could get hard

Pretty soon you're gonna have to use a deck of real cards