Lyrics Louis Jordan

Louis Jordan


Yes I'm looking for a chick

That only drinks lemonade

Yes I'm looking for a chick

That only drinks lemonade

I haven't found one yet

But I been told that a few was made

Now you know the type

And I know 'em too

They stand at the bar drinking ten cent brew

You ask them what they're drinking

Though you already know

They'll say whiskey every time to make you spend your dough

That's why I'm looking for a gal

That only drinks lemonade

I haven't found one yet

But I been told that a few was made

I met a gal I thought was so fine

I begged her to please, please baby be mine

I took her out one thursday night

She got two shots of joy juice

And was ready to fight

That's why I'm looking for a gal

That only drinks lemonade

I haven't found one yet

But I been told that a few was made

Now whiskey's too powerful

For a woman's frame

It'll make some of them simple

And it makes other chicks insane

It can make a girl, weighing one hundred and four,

Feel so powerful she could think she could even whip you

This I know to be a solid fact

Cause I fell for one

A little while back

She was so sweet

At the start of the night

But after two drinks

Was nothing right

That's I'm looking for a chick

That only drinks lemonade

I'm tired of being broke

The day after I get paid