Everything I am

Everything I am, and everything I want to be

I put it in your hands, you could open up to me

Everything I am, and everything I want to be

I put it in your hands, you could open up to me

Oh don't we ever get beyond this wall

I am no role model, I am not Mr. Perfect

Been bitten a couple of times and I did deserve it

Everyday livin' and learnin' through these written verses

My life is a sacrifice, I wonder is it worth it?

People can change, I'm living physical proof

I'm not important, or special or different from you

To other people, I may seem like a good adviser

But to myself I feel like a dirty womanizer

I am just a man, I will never be a celebrity

That is a mantra I will cling to the death of me

Don't wanna feed my kids the very treachery they fed to me

Preferably the aim is equality eventually

Don't relegate me below, or elevate me above to you

Needless to say, in either place I'm uncomfortable

I treat you as an equal, I'm simply a man

Your brother in humanity is everything that I am

Everything I am, and everything I want to be

I put it in your hands, you could open up to me

Everything I am, and everything I want to be

I put it in your hands, you could open up to me

Oh don't we ever get beyond this wall

Listen close to the words that were sang in the chorus

There's a big difference between fans and supporters

Never asked to be scrutinized or consumerized

Or treated differently to any other human life

Most don't, but some do and it saddens me

Force fed celebrity to subdue our humanity

See the false image depicted and think it's purity

When beneath that image they hold more insecurities

Than you do, but sometimes it's hard to tell who's who

There's more to life than Twitter followers and YouTube views

And if I came across like I was cocky I am sorry

You were born original so please don't die a copy

Don't relegate me below, or elevate me above to you

Needless to say, in either place I'm uncomfortable

I treat you as an equal, I'm simply a man

Your brother in humanity is everything that I am

Everything I am, and everything I want to be

I put it in your hands, you could open up to me

Everything I am, and everything I want to be

I put it in your hands, you could open up to me

Oh don't we ever get beyond this wall