Go-Getter Greg


You must be new, I least I guess you're new to me.

Saw you unpacking your car so I said to myself,

"Maybe I should help her out," since we're neighbors now

and all the other people here are elderly and probably a little stand-offish and I've got

nothing to do (and whatnot).

By the way, I live in 207, my name is Greg

- wherever are my manners!?

Let me get that heavy box!

I'm a go-getter guy with a gun on my hip

I'm just searching for that someone to be firing it

I've narrowed down the field and I'm takin' a glance

and I'd say you've got a pretty good chance...

to be my girlfriend.

What's up!?

Didn't mean to sneak up on you there

- I looked downstairs and saw you leaving, so whassup!?

I haven't seen you at the pool since the barbeque

not that I've been checking -

Here's the deal: I've got this thing for work this weekend and I was

wondering if you don't have anything going on that maybe -

Okay, hey that's cool, you're busy,

but we should hit up Jose O'Flanagan's for Jell-o-Shot "you-call-it's" -

Okay not the week but Monday...

You could come over tonight, I'll be watching cop dramas

smokin' fatty fatties.

I'm a go-getter guy with a gun on my hip

I'm just searching for that someone to be firing it

I've narrowed down the field and I'm takin' a glance

and I'd say you've got a pretty good chance...

to be my girlfriend.

I've given it some thought...

and I really think that you could use a guy like me in you life

looking after you, a man to take you home, a hand for you to hold, and I'd never...

leave you alone!

I'm a go-getter guy with a gun on my hip

I'm just searching for that someone to be firing it

I've narrowed down the field and I'm takin' a glance

and I'd say you've got a pretty good chance...

to be my girlfriend.

I'm a go-getter guy, I'm a go-getter guy

I've narrowed down the field and I'm takin' a glance

and I'd say you've got a pretty good chance...

(and I'd say you've got a pretty good chance...)

chance... chance...

to be my girlfriend.