Lyrics Ludwig Von 88

Ludwig Von 88

Vanessa und Florent

Let me take your hand

Let me hold your head

Close against my breast

Close against my hairy chest

Let the people know

Spread our love on prime-time shows

And when the spotlights fade

Let us be one in the shade

Let us meet the light

Let us feel the heat

Let our hearts unite

On color TV screenes

See my muscles bend

Hear my lits go wild

Take me by the hand

And you will be my guide

Let me blow your fuse

Let me suck your holes

Let me blow your head

On late nightshows we'll f**k like hell

ô que je t'aime ô que je t'aime

ô que je t'aime à la folie

ô que je t'aime éperdument

ô que je t'aime à l'agonie