In Silence

Ahh I hated silence at that time

The wind wound up the sand like it was laughing

Even if you strain your eyes you won't find any answers

The sky embraced the sea that day

in silence that is in silence endlessly

in silence softly oh my heart was lost

Ahh I slipped through a few loves

Slipped through cities the early morning secret

Even if you listen closely I only wanted the sound of the waves close by that day

in silence I was in silence gazing at you

in silence softly oh my heart was overflowing

Countless moons illuminated the two of us

Inside of an enternal kiss never fading

Bright white feathers floated in the sky like they were trying to say something

The momentary wind was almost teasing because this era is raging right now

in silence softly in silence I'm searching

in silence softly oh my heart I want to find

Ahh it flows by time it flows by