Pin Eye Woman 665

Veins, scream for more needles

your a whore, do anything to get one in

to feel the warmth of this deadly pin

to be sick is pergatory

when your numb, your numb in all your glory

the pain would make you cease

to exist for peace of mind, you can't resist

anything to make it stop

the pains too great for you

gotta cop

someday aids will atke your being

but to the needle

you keep on fleeing

can't feel bad, wont give ya pity

"cause you chose a life thats shitty!


Pin Eye Woman just one more fix

Pin Eye Woman, stop your turning trix!

you gotta have it

your sickly treat

you'll even sell your ass on the street

the first prick brings you sanity

your Pin Eye Woman vanity

floating high above your bones

think your as cool as the Rolling Stones!?!