The Wolf

Never had been so cruelly cold and long a winter

Over the glaring white mountains

By night you hear the wolves howl

Hungry, desperate souls

Dying a bitter winter death

Moonlight in his eye

A haggard wolf as furtive as a ghost

His narrow shadow glinting in the whiteness

He turns his head into the wind

Picks up the trail

He's on the prowl with glassy eyes

He never sleeps, bargain for live

Take a look around, can't you see the wind, the hills, the snow

They're yours; they're his as well as mine

Most precious gift in desperate times

A haggard man with tired steps and a loaded gun

Waiting in the glaring white mountains

By night he hears the wolves howl

Hungry, desperate souls

Dying a bitter winter death

Moonlight in his eye

A sudden move in densely copse

The bottom line,

A sounding shot, a tortured cry

And fleeing gaits lost in the night

Take a look around, can't you see the wind, the hills, the snow

They're yours; they're his as well as mine

Most precious gift in desperate times

On and on he stumbles through the woods

Warm blood trickles down, down, down

Step by step, the hunter's there

But he couldn't see the brightness of the moon

As he ends his work

Take a look around, can't you see the wind, the hills, the snow

They're yours; they're his as well as mine

Most precious gift in desperate times