Lyrics Machinae Supremacy

Machinae Supremacy

Perfect Dark

I had set eyes on you

when they made their move

Finally dawned on me that night

when they came for you

This was all part of His design,

I was supposed to find you

and take out those would attempt to take you (out)

I can’t see why I am here

if not to be what you can never

I will play my part

For Him, for you and for us all

I am the one,

The Perfect Dark, The Enemy

I’ll tear out their hearts

Bring the fall, The End of All

I am the one,

The Perfect Dark, The Enemy

You wanna know what I am

You have doubts, I get that

I was someone different but then He came

He got me out

You have nothing to fear from me,

I will never harm you,

I will always do what He wants me to, and

I can’t see why I am here

if not to be what you can never

I can stay, I can leave

But what if you need me?

You want peace of mind

or do you want to be alive?

He left me here because he knew

that you would need me

and what I can do