Mistress of the Wind

Mistress Of The Wind


Flying above

Spreading the trammels of love

Hear my command

You get away from this land

Cause now I know all your tricks

I've learned all your hexes

I master your game

I conjure your name

Right now

When I say

Vin ielele

And It happens again like before

Right now

Vin ielele

Vin ielele

The woods are preparing for war,

Right now

Vin ielele

Stop trying

Stop lying right now


You just Stay away from me

Stop trying

Stop lying right now


You just leave and let me be

The night is unfolding it's cloak

you're dancing in circles like smoke

Immortal and free

Just stay away from me!

I know

Your ways to entice

Nude beauties of ice.

With bells at your feet

You will weave the deceit

My love

I say!