Cross Species Transmutation

Transgenic subject designed for mutation

Reluctant servant, disposable life form

Changeling bred for tissue engineering

Anatomically incorrect, interspecie mixture

Collections of foreign cells incubate

Quarantine essential for proper development

Unnatural habitat entombs victim

Forced regeneration, heightened metabolic rate

Intravenous infusion engrosses

Construct this abomination

Scientific breakthrough accomplished

Inhumane entanglement, conjoined hybrid

Donor potential realized

Humanoid characteristics evident

Implantation successful, execute cultivation

Abundant supply ready for harvest

Changeling bred for tissue engineering

Reluctant servant, disposable life form


Selfish experiments that prolong human life

Inhumane entanglement

Procreation of organisms to benefit man

Interspecie mixture

Transforming creatures through science

Humanoid abomination