Rotten Seed

From vaginal sores seep fetid secretions

Entering the urethra of my engorged cock

Vile juices spread throughout erectile tissue

Veins bulge from flaking foreskin

Embolisms deaden tissue clotted arteries rupture

Lack of blood cause involuntary muscle spasms

Twitching limbs incapacitate

Introduction of foreign enzymes cause implosion

Leukocytes weaken uterine lamprey to feed

Corpuscles are drained for their nutrients

Viral enzymes break down insides

Transforming live tissue into desiccated chunks

Carnivorous eel draws dehydrated matter through genitals

Swollen member spurts bloated bits of viscera

Testicles shrivel until they are non-existent

Penis provides leech with sustenance

Host is stripped of organs