Different Paths

We've been trying for many months for them to see our point of view

We keep coming up empty handed no matter what we do

We're standing at the cross roads and they kick us when we're down

We all know how it feels to be faced with being face to face with the ground

I've been listening to all they say and it tears me up inside

Another day, another excuse for them to find a way to lie

Should we run of fight for what's ours? It varies by the day

We could scream from the depths of our hearts

and it would keep falling on deaf ears anyway

We all come from different paths and a different point of view

We all got our battles to fight and a right to see them through

We'll converge from different paths and,

I'll tell you now, we'll somehow make it through

I've never needed anyone like the way that I need you

And after all these months behind us I still have a lot to do

I ain't got the words to express myself to you

Maybe we could check our baggage and then get a room with a view

We all come from different paths and a different point of view

We all got our battles to fight and a right to see them through

We all come from different paths and a different point of view

We'll converge from different paths and,

I'll tell you now, we'll somehow make it through

Just don't give up