Hello My Brother

Hello, my brother. It's been so long

I can still see the pain that's in your eyes

It's a familiar void that has survived the years

Since the days when we were both alive

Those letters scarred on your neck can't run as deep

As the scarring in your heart

It's been so long. We go on and on

Many lifetimes apart

Raise your glass to the morning after and the feeling of dejection and loathing

Pass the bottle around my way. It's worth the empty feeling I suppose

Hello there, my brother. I'm calling you long distance on the line

I don't know how to deal with this but you will since your innocence went on high

I gave my heart to a girl. I gave it to the world. Neither one can appreciate my soul

You can understand, you say. But can you take this hurting away?

Raise your glass to the morning after and the feeling of dejection and loathing

Pass the bottle around my way. It's worth the empty feeling I suppose

Hello my brother. I can still see the pain that's in your eyes.

Tear out my eyes.

Raise your glass to the morning after and the feeling of dejection and loathing

Pass the bottle around my way. It's worth the empty feeling I suppose

Pass the bottle around my way. It's worth the empty feeling I suppose