Lyrics Marnie Stern

Marnie Stern

This Is It and I Am It and You Are It and So Is That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That

This Is It and I Am It and You Are It and So Is That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That - Marnie Stern

Kill Rock Stars

Vydáno: 7. 10. 2008

studiové album

1 Prime 2:28
2 Transformer 2:09
3 Shea Stadium 3:38
4 Ruler 3:52
5 The Crippled Jazzer 4:19
6 Steely 4:00
7 The Package Is Wrapped 3:45
8 Simon Says 3:20
9 Vault 3:26
10 Clone Cycle 3:32
11 Roads? Where We're Going We Don't Need Roads 2:59
12 The Devil is in the Details 3:39