Lyrics Marty Robbins

Marty Robbins

The Performer

So quickly time overtakes us

And there's so many things left to do

I've tried to say what I wanted to say

In this song that I've written for you

As I stand here tonight

From the stage I can see

People look back and smile

And my mind quickly flies

To the time that's gone by

And I say every tear's been worthwhile

Some songs I have sung

Hardly pleased anyone

It wasn't cause I never tried

I remember the gloom

Of a cheap little room

Where after a show I have cried

But I thank God above

For sendin' his love

Through people like you I call friends

And it's so good to know

That wherever we go

Some of us might meet again

Life's been worth livin'

So tonight let's pretend

That it never will end

Happiness dosen't last long

And if this night should be

The last night we should meet

Then let's say goodbye with a song

'Cause there's no way to know

When it's our turn to go

Everything's part of life's plan

You have given me love

In return I have love

For every woman and man

Life's been worth livin'

Life's been worth livin'

Worth livin'

Worth livin'