Savage In The Sack
You know, not so long ago
People used to have these tales
Going back and forth about who
Could make the best love
These things get a little out of hand, baby
You know what I mean
I'm just trying to straighten this thing out, that's all
I wanna tell everybody like it really is
It's getting bigger
It's getting bigger
Savage, baby!
Savage in the sack
I won't hurt you, darling
I just wanna show you where it's at
Love so good, baby
Like you know I would
And all the time
Savage in the sack
Not too long ago, I told a friend
I ain't had none
Since you and Lord knows when
Stayed up for days
Never been satisfied
Soon as I get ya, baby
I'll make you cry
'Cause savage, baby
Savage in the sack
I ain't gon' hurt you, darling
Just gon' show you where it's at
Hit me
Feels so good
You know you got to love it
I know you would
Look here
You know where it's at
Sooner or later, baby
Get you back
You know where you gon' get it
Come with me so we can get down
Savage, baby
Savage in the sack
We ain't gon' hurt you, darling
Just wanna show you where it's at
Hit me
Hit me, baby
Like you know we would
Hit me
Savage in the sack
Ain't gon' hurt you
Know you need me
To be released
And don't tell nobody, baby
Unless you don't call
I'm gonna leave
We're savages!
Savage in the sack
We love it, we love
Got to get you back
Scream! You savage!