Paul And Phil Are Friends

My name is Paul, these are my laserdiscs

My name is Phil, these are my tapes

Yes, I'm Phil. I am Paul's friend

Oh hi, pretty pretty. Nice to see you again

I like VHS tapes to watch on my TV

I like laserdiscs for the higher quality

If you're a hot babe, you can "Stand By Me"

Hotter babes will watch "Land Before Time" 1 and 3

We can watch "Backdraft", but if it gets too hot,

we'll have to cool things down with a "Disney Big Box"

I can be your "Top Gun", you can be my Goose

Michael Keaton multiplied ("Multiplicity") is cooler than Tom Cruise

"Days of Thunder" turning into nights that are romantic

You're more "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" than large like "Titanic"

"Twister" with a hot babe, she was my Helen Hunt

You're a "Liar Liar", if I should be so blunt

Relax "Blues Brother", there's no need to rage

Let's watch a movie ..."Birdcage"