The Assembly Of Tyrants

Come forth now young one

And bare witness

To the fields of slaughter

Where you fathers take blame

Your nation lays waste

From words of the elders

The words of tyrants

Show no remorse

Retell the fable

And breed a new nemesis

Ego and ignorance

Divide through intolerence

Bring forth the swarm

To heed the call

Our children will witness

Our nations falll

Now the young

Will stand tall

The words of the elders speak

As histories tyrants have been reborn

Their ressurected words now echo

As they have once before

Reinforce the bonds

Between freedom and cruelty

Reinforce the bonds

Between myth and reality

Our children will see

Our children will bleed

For a world

Of infinite brutality

Now the young

Will stand tall

The words of the elders speak

As histories tyrants have been reborn

Their resurrected words now echo

As they have once before

Now the young

Will stand tall

The words of the elders speak

As histories tyrants have been reborn

Their resurrected words now echo

As they have once before

The earth shall quake

Concrete will fall

The words of tyrants

Echo once more

Recovery of our nation shall begin

Until the next elder speaks again