Lyrics Mekong Delta

Mekong Delta

Immortal Hate

Dawn !!!

Religious might was born

Kill 'em they have sworn

Excused by might of god they think,

they've got the rights to slaughter human life

Annihilate own kind

Thoughts !!!

Creating endless hate

The preachers always tough

Blood boozers of new times,

the perfect warriors - prayers of supremacy

Broken leaders

Cringing idols

Walking shadows

Fighting heroes of darkness

What we do know ?

Have a look at the past

Slobbering morons

Insane leaders followed to fast

What they want to see

People can never be

Puppets in an insane dream

Watch out !!!

The seed is growing fast

Fanatics all around

Poised ready to believe

This simple minded

Creeps will not try (to) shy away

Torturing unborn

Slaving people

Screaming unright

Yearning for rotten kingdoms