Shadow Walker
He was thinking in out
and started writing it down
the crazy thoughts in his head
he was on a roll
to find his self control
but it was taking it's toll
meanwhile outside
as the normal crowd
did their daily thing
they were caught in a swing
when they looked at their leaders
they were full of doubt
he couldn't figure them out
it was a journey down
into his deepest dreams
against the normal streams
wasn't totally clear
but he knew it was here
what he was trying to be
and outside his door
was the camera light
that devoured the night
what a terrible sight
it was spilling grace
and wisdom over the crowd
made them feel so proud
walking - a member of the crowd
talking - chit-chat without a doubt
feeling - cancelled from the normal life
living - on the shadow side
out of the dark - I will dive into the light
I will
- gonna rise up from the crowd
I will
- be a star in TV land
that's right
- be a hero for a day
I will
- gonna fill the headline news
yes me
- with the things that I will do
- for their senseless talk
I will
- be a star in TV land
- shadow walker -
silent dreamings, silent dreamings
and with a final thought
of this new glory he sought
he felt the time drawing near
so then he started to dress
he knew he wanted his best
took a look what he had
in here
when everything was in place
he finally put on his face
a last and lovely smile
keep it on for a while
then he started to dtroke
the pistol's cold black cheek
it was shiny and sleek
- a member of the crowd
- ch
it-chat without a doubt
- cancelled from the normal life
- on the shadow side
out of the dark - I will dive into the light
I will
- gonna rise up from the crowd
I will
- be a star in TV land
that's right
- be a hero for a day
I will
- g
onna fill the headline news
yes me
- with things that I will do
- for their senseless talk
I will
- be a star in TV land
- shadow walker -