Remember Me Good

Well we've come such a long time past parting

I'm still caring much more than I should

Well as long as I'm to be remembered

I hope you remember me good

And I hope you remember us in a good light

I hope you remember a little clearing in the wood

I don't know why I should

I used to come up to see you by railroad

But these days I travel by plane

And though it's a fast kind of roaming

My direction is really the same

And I'm singing for a living in the bright lights

I missing the seasons in the clearing in the wood

The autumn felt so good

I miss your seasons, I guess I always knew I would

It makes me wonder

Well we've come such a long time past parting

I'm still caring much more than I should

Well as long as I'm to be remembered

I hope you remember

I don't know why I should

I hope you remember me good