Rebirth of the Nemesis

Dynasty of the Salt-Water People

Time is ripe for Uruk's typhoon

The circle is completed, the feeble is stampeded

The storm of shredded glass has proceeded

The howl of the Scaled Deity

Shrill like a whirlwind in a cave

Asserting its return

As a million lost souls tidal wave

Realized is the legend of legions

Headed by the Aqua Demon!

Tribes of the serpent - iron clad

Rebirth of the Nemesis - TIAMAT

Return with wings of liquid fire

From the desolate pre-universe

Ruling a domain much higher

You are the Creator! Are you the Creator?

Enumma Elish is re-written

Fate was never sealed in stone

The Aqua Demon once forgotten

Integration of the celestial (and) terrestrial

Enumma Elish is re-written

Fate was never sealed in stone

Returning with arrogant pride

Linking polarities of conjectures

Proclaimed on the citadels

of the Alpha post

It's all mapped on the hand

Returning with arrogant pride

Linking polarities of conjectures

Return with arrogant pride

The Serpent Nemesis

Queen of creation

Polytheistic light

Lla Tchaf Lla min Tiamat

Enuma Elish is re-written

Queen of the universe

Lla Tchaf Lla (min) Tiamat

Enuma Elish is re-written (repeat)

Don't fear don't, this deity, don't!

Rebirth of the Nemesis has been foretold

Return with wings of liquid fire

Fate was never sealed in stone