You will follow orders

Obey my command at all times

Or you will be punished


Spikes yeah

And you're gonna get'em

As I crept away

From the sun in the sea

Who would you betray?

Cretaintly not me

Because I'm restless master

Just like you teach your slaves

The masses join in laughter

Land of the free

Home of the slaves

Pictures of peace

Blessing the graves

Come follow me

I'll be the one

Setting your free


Shot down by a 12 gauge

Shotgun, never feel safe

Struck hard by a spiked fist

Cold blood runs down your face

As your hate grows stronger

Towards the one

You're underneath

Not far from going under

Don't wave your rank at me

Because I'm restless master

Just like you teach your slaves

The masses join in laughter

Land of the free

Home of the slaves

Pictures of peace

Blessing the graves

Come follow me

I'll be the one

Setting your free


Come dead

Don't wave your rank at me...

Because I'm restless

Just like you teach your slaves

(Shot down)

Shot down by a 12 gauge

Shotgun, never feel safe

Struck hard by a spiked fist

Cold blood runs down your face

Just like you teach your slaves...

At the masters grave

Land of the free

Home of the brave

Pictures of peace

Blessing the graves

Come follow me

I'll be the one

Setting your free


Land of the free

Home of the brave

Pictures of peace

Blessing the graves

Come follow me

I'll be the one

Setting your free

We're all in line creeping in pain

Dead calm

Dead calm...

Come dead