The Bell Witch
Back in Tennessee, I saw a
family haunted by an entity
It was a tragedy in another century
Oh...They never would know the
Evil One that came
Little Betsy, the age of 12
Living in a dream
The first one to scream
Invisible hands leaving their
mark in the dark
Night after night
The Bell Witch attacked and
Torturing Betsy, until a circle
was held in candle light
Tell us who you are
Please tell us who you are
"I am the air you breathe
I am the Bell Witch
I am a million years
I am the Bell Witch"
The Bell Witch decided
It was the time for the father to
Soon taken ill, never again to
leave his bed alive
Tell us who you are
Please tell us who you are
"I am the air you breathe
I am the Bell Witch
I am a million years
I am the Bell Witch"
"Goodnight John, see you in Hell...
Say bye bye to Daddy, Betsy"
Call the doctor!!! ..."I made sure"
Call the doctor!!! ..."There ain't no
That night John he died
And the Bell Witch never came
Soon they realized, the witch had
given John bad medicine