Thane of Cowder
Down with a thunder
They came towards the lines
A man stood and wondered
Why they marched for miles
An army of brave men,
To catch the traitors heart
Beat him as they can,
Cutting down his head
Fear not, till Birnam wood
Do come to Dunsinane
Fates warning, endless blood,
The world were now undone
Avengers of the murdered king,
He feared cause he'd done the deed
Remember the first thing, thought while
Duncan bleed
"Will all great Neptune's ocean
Wash this blood
Clean from my hand?" - he wished he could
Fear not, till Birnam wood
Do come to Dunsiname
Fates warning, endless blood,
The world were now undone
His life was not threaten,
To one of woman born
Witch, her creation - turn,
Hell-hound, turn
The traitor was dying,
Macduff smiled and laughed
He was from his mother's womb -
Untimely ripped
Fear not, till Birnam wood
Do come to Dunsiname
Fates warning endless blood,
The world were now undone